
Tender man­age­ment —
Mas­ter­plan Zoo Frank­furt

01_VgV Masterplan Zoo
Frankfurt am Main
Office for Construction and Real Estate of the City of Frankfurt

About half of all the animal facil­it­ies in the approx. 11 hec­tare Frank­furt Zoo can no longer meet the cur­rent require­ments of modern wild animal hus­bandry and the range of tasks of a zoo in the 21st cen­tury. In addi­tion to the required renov­a­tion of the facil­it­ies, some of which are over 60 years old, the zoo also has to deal with the dra­mat­ic­ally chan­ging eco­lo­gical and socio-polit­ical frame­work con­di­tions.

With the concept study "ZOOK­UN­FT2030+ Devel­op­ment Plan for the Zoo of the City of Frank­furt am Main" a basis and an ini­tial frame of ref­er­ence for a com­pre­hens­ive trans­form­a­tion of the Frank­furt Zoo were laid. In order to verify and fur­ther develop the concept study, a master plan for the zoo and in par­tic­u­lar for the two areas in the north-east and south-west is to be elab­or­ated in a second phase. 

02_VgV Masterplan Zoo
© The Logical Zoo / Zoo Frankfurt
03_VgV Masterplan Zoo
© The Logical Zoo / Zoo Frankfurt
04_VgV Masterplan Zoo
© The Logical Zoo / Zoo Frankfurt

As part of this, the Frank­furt Zoo, rep­res­en­ted by the city’s Office for Con­struc­tion and Real Estate (Amt für Bau und Immob­i­lien der Stadt Frank­furt am Main), intends to award the fol­low­ing plan­ning and con­sult­ing ser­vices: Object plan­ning (based on §34 HOAI), open space plan­ning (accord­ing to §39 HOAI) and struc­tural plan­ning (accord­ing to §49 HOAI) as well as the spe­cial­ist plan­ning of the tech­nical equip­ment (accord­ing to §53 HOAI), build­ing phys­ics (accord­ing to 1.2.1 HOAI) and fire pro­tec­tion plan­ning (accord­ing to AHO book­let no. 17).

PRO­PRO­JEKT first developed a spe­cific ser­vice pro­file and then sup­por­ted the Office for Con­struc­tion and Real Estate in the coordin­a­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of a Europe-wide nego­ti­ation pro­cess with a par­ti­cip­a­tion com­pet­i­tion accord­ing to § 17 VgV for the award of these plan­ning and con­sult­ing ser­vices.


  • Definition of the scope of work

  • Preparation of the procedure including scheduling

  • Development of the evaluation criteria for the participation competition and award

  • Preparation of the application documents including the creation of the service description and tender documents

  • Evaluation of applications for participation and offers as well as implementation of negotiation talks

  • Ongoing information for all those involved in the process and communication with the bidders

  • Documentation of the procedure and preparation of the award file

Credits / Cover

The Logical Zoo / Zoo Frankfurt