
We cur­rently have no vacan­cies — but we are always happy to receive pro­act­ive applic­a­tions.

© Angelika Stehle

What we have to offer.

With modern work­sta­tions in a cent­ral loc­a­tion in Frank­furt’s Sach­sen­hausen dis­trict or in Ber­lin’s Mitte dis­trict, we offer a per­fect work­ing atmo­sphere for inde­pend­ent and inter­dis­cip­lin­ary work in small teams.

In addi­tion, we offer flex­ible work­ing hours, vari­ous job incent­ives as well as internal and external train­ing oppor­tun­it­ies.


  • Flexible working hours to combine work, family and private life
  • 40% of regular working hours as remote work
  • Fixed training and education contingent for personal and professional training
  • Modern IT and communication equipment with laptop and company mobile phone



  • 'Job bike' leasing and public transport ticket to promote sustainable and individual mobility
  • Company pension scheme
  • Regular company and team events

A great deal of personal independence with simultaneous support as well as a family atmosphere with a lot of flexibility and a management style based on trust.

Original quote from our internal 2022 survey regarding the question “What I appreciate most about our company.”

Applic­a­tion doc­u­ments

Please send applic­a­tion doc­u­ments with a letter of motiv­a­tion, your CV, and (if avail­able) work ref­er­ences by e-mail to Wiebke Balcke at bew­er­bung@­pro­­pro­

Inform­a­tion regard­ing our hand­ling of applic­a­tion doc­u­ments can be found under data pro­tec­tion.