
ITS World Con­gress Ham­burg

ITS World Congress Hamburg 02
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation

The Free and Hanseatic City of Ham­burg has won its bid to host the ITS World Con­gress 2021. The applic­a­tion com­piled by PRO­PRO­JEKT was endorsed by the European Organ­isa­tion for Intel­li­gent Trans­port Sys­tems ERTICO at the end of Octo­ber at the ITS World Con­gress 2017 in Montreal. 2021 Ham­burg will present to the world the most modern German tech­no­lo­gies in traffic and trans­port and demon­strate them in real applic­a­tion. Focal points of the Ham­burg applic­a­tion were amongst others the areas of intel­li­gent infra­struc­tures, autonom­ous driv­ing, ride-shar­ing and con­nec­ted mobil­ity ser­vices. The annual con­ven­tion tra­di­tion­ally attracts over 10,000 attendees from around the world, includ­ing all well-known com­pan­ies in the industry. With its suc­cess­ful bid, Ham­burg was able to assert itself in a strong field of com­pet­it­ors with Dubai and Milan.

PRO­PRO­JEKT was assigned by the Min­istry of Eco­nomy, Trans­port and Innov­a­tion of the Free and Hanseatic City of Ham­burg to develop a storyline and com­pile a bid book for the Ham­burg 2021 bid from Janu­ary to March 2017. This con­tains the coordin­a­tion and qual­ity assur­ance of the bid book con­tent as well as the pro­fes­sional super­vi­sion of the bid book pro­duc­tion.

ITS World Congress Hamburg 02
© Marc Hübner,


  • Devel­op­ment of a Story Line
  • Com­pil­a­tion of Bid Book con­tents
  • Coordin­a­tion with rel­ev­ant stake­hold­ers
  • Edit­ing of Bid Book texts
  • Qual­ity assur­ance of layout and pro­duc­tion

Credits / Cover

Har­bour / Köhl­brand­brücke: p6: pow­ell83/foto­lia

Elb­phil­har­monie: Marc Hübner, www.fotow­elt-ham­