
Real­isa­tion com­pet­i­tion —
Recon­struc­tion Friedrich-Fröbel-School

0424_04_Realisierungswettbewerb FFS
Frankfurt am Main
Office for Construction and Real Estate of the City of Frankfurt

PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned by the Office for Con­struc­tion and Real Estate of the City of Frank­furt to organ­ise and con­duct a restric­ted design com­pet­i­tion in accord­ance with the guidelines for plan­ning com­pet­i­tions (RPW 2013) with a sub­sequent nego­ti­ated pro­ced­ure in accord­ance with the Ordin­ance on the Award of Public Con­tracts (VgV). 


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The sub­ject of this com­pet­i­tion is the design of a new build­ing for the Friedrich-Fröbel-School in the dis­trict Nieder­rad. The aim of the com­pet­i­tion is to develop the ele­ment­ary school into a five-form ele­ment­ary school in the future due to increased demand, with the addi­tion and integ­ra­tion of the exist­ing sports hall and the asso­ci­ated plan­ning of the tech­nical equip­ment and out­door facil­it­ies.

In par­tic­u­lar, innov­at­ive con­cepts and ideas are to be developed that enable the topics of 'cluster schools' and 'open learn­ing land­scapes' to be addressed. The City of Frank­furt also expec­ted for­ward-look­ing design con­cepts that achieve the highest pos­sible over­all effi­ciency, com­fort, usab­il­ity and archi­tec­tural qual­ity with the lowest pos­sible use of energy and resources. 

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© Amt für Bau und Immobilien, Stadt Frankfurt am Main
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© Amt für Bau und Immobilien, Stadt Frankfurt am Main

From a total of 146 applic­a­tions, 15 par­ti­cipants were selec­ted in a pre­lim­in­ary com­pet­i­tion. 5 par­ti­cipants were nom­in­ated in advance by the award­ing author­ity. In the end, 17 com­pet­i­tion entries were sub­mit­ted. Under the chair­man­ship of archi­tect Jórunn Rag­narsdót­tir, the jury met from 05 to 06 June 2024 in the gym of the Friedrich-Fröbel-School in Frank­furt am Main and unan­im­ously awar­ded three prize win­ners and three com­mend­a­tions.

After the com­pet­i­tion has been com­pleted, a nego­ti­ation pro­cess will be held with the respect­ive prize win­ners. The final decision on which of the award-win­ning designs will be imple­men­ted is expec­ted to be made by the end of this year.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion can be found here.


  • Superordinate project and stakeholder management
  • Preparatory work for the competition (invitation to tender, preparation of formal documents, preliminary discussions with judges)
  • Announcement of the Competition
  • Competition support (distribution of competition documents, organisation of consultation colloquium)
  • Preliminary examination of the competition entries
  • Organization and implementation of the jury meeting
  • Organization and implementation of the negotiation procedure in accordance with VgV

Credits / Cover

Office for Construction and Real Estate of the City of Frankfurt