28. May 2024

17th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy in Heidelberg

02_Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik_Bundeskongress
© BMWSB / franknürnberger.de

On 17 and 18 Septem­ber 2024, the Fed­eral Min­istry of Hous­ing, Urban Devel­op­ment and Build­ing (BMWSB), together with the Con­fer­ence of Build­ing Min­is­ters of the Fed­eral States, the Asso­ci­ation of German Cities and the German Asso­ci­ation of Towns and Muni­cip­al­it­ies, is host­ing the 17th Fed­eral Con­gress on National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy. 

Under the theme ‘’Co­oper­a­tions in urban devel­op­ment - alli­ances for the common good‘’, cur­rent approaches and strategies in urban devel­op­ment policy will be dis­cussed and ideas developed for the sus­tain­able, integ­rated devel­op­ment of urban and rural areas at national, European and inter­na­tional level.

PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the BMWSB in coordin­at­ing the insti­tu­tions involved and accom­pan­ies the con­tent and organ­isa­tional pre­par­a­tion, imple­ment­a­tion and doc­u­ment­a­tion of the Fed­eral Con­gress.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion can be found here