01. June 2024

Forward-looking developments at PROPROJEKT

Impressionen_Dear future i'm ready
© Angelika Stehle

PROPROJEKT 4.0: Efficient, excellent, motivating and sustainable

The long-term suc­cess of PRO­PRO­JEKT Planungs­man­age­ment & Pro­jekt­ber­a­tung GmbH gives us the oppor­tun­ity to pro­act­ively shape the future. As the com­pany con­tin­ues to grow, our respons­ib­il­ity to adapt our struc­ture to the increas­ing number and diversity of our cus­tom­ers, col­leagues and pro­jects is grow­ing.

With PRO­PRO­JEKT 4.0, we intro­duced a four-dimen­sional com­pany struc­ture in spring 2024, which

  • enables effi­cient man­age­ment within and between our busi­ness divi­sions and loc­a­tions,
  • con­tinu­ously expands our expert­ise and facil­it­ates the exchange of know­ledge between pro­jects and spe­cial­ist depart­ments,
  • gives every team member the oppor­tun­ity to develop and demon­strate their entre­pren­eur­ial atti­tude with and within the struc­ture, and
  • ensures that we con­sist­ently real­ise and con­tinue to pursue our vision of an eco­nom­ic­ally, socially and eco­lo­gic­ally respons­ible com­pany.

We look for­ward to shar­ing these for­ward-look­ing steps with you and moving for­ward together.

1. Expansion and reorganisation of the management board

Fol­low­ing Wiebke Balcke, we have appoin­ted Elina Keim, another long-stand­ing and exper­i­enced col­league, to the man­age­ment board, enabling us to provide com­pet­ent and effi­cient sup­port for our pro­jects even as the number of pro­jects grows:

  • As man­aging part­ner, Stefan Klos will increas­ingly focus on cross-divi­sional and inter­na­tional pro­jects.
  • Immanuel Geis will take over the reor­gan­ised ‘con­sult­ing & plan­ning’ divi­sion with a focus on the early pro­ject phases and fur­ther expand our expert­ise, par­tic­u­larly in the devel­op­ment of sports and cul­tural build­ings as well as spe­cial prop­er­ties.
  • Wiebke Balcke will take over respons­ib­il­ity for the ‘sports and events’ divi­sion as the new author­ised sig­nat­ory and head of our Berlin office.
  • Elina Keim will head up the ‘man­age­ment and con­struc­tion’ divi­sion with a spe­cial focus on sup­port for public tenders.
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2. Clustering of competences in new Lead function

With the intro­duc­tion of the Lead role, we are con­tinu­ing to ensure that all pro­jects bene­fit from the enorm­ous spe­cial­ist know­ledge and expert­ise of our most exper­i­enced col­leagues across all depart­ments. As a pro­fes­sional link to the man­age­ment board, the Leads will ensure the fur­ther devel­op­ment and trans­fer of cross-divi­sional expert­ise within and between pro­jects.

For the pilot phase of this new role, Phil­lip Michler, Stephanie Pan­nier and Carla Wuhrer will ini­tially invest some of their valu­able time in qual­ity assur­ance and the trans­fer of expert­ise. 

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3. Setting up a Youth Council

Last but not least, we are very proud to pro­act­ively involve the young­est gen­er­a­tion at PRO­PRO­JEKT in shap­ing the future of our com­pany.

With the estab­lish­ment of a Youth Coun­cil, we are cre­at­ing a plat­form where our young tal­ents can con­trib­ute their ideas and per­spect­ives dir­ectly to the man­age­ment board. This body will help us to con­tinu­ously and crit­ic­ally scru­tin­ise the status quo, develop fresh and innov­at­ive approaches and ensure that we always have our finger on the pulse.

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