22. May 2024

Frankfurt wins bid for UEFA Europa League Final 2027

Europa League simply fits Frank­furt:

After Ein­tracht's vic­tory in 2022, the final of the UEFA Europa League 2027 will now take place in Frank­furt, as decided by the UEFA Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee at a meet­ing in Dublin.

0435_04_UEFA EL 2026 & 2027 Bid Frankfurt
© Eintracht Frankfurt
0435_03_UEFA EL 2026 & 2027 Bid Frankfurt
© Eintracht Frankfurt

Together with AS+P, PRO­PRO­JEKT coordin­ated the bid pro­cess on behalf of Ein­tracht Frank­furt Sta­dion GmbH and sup­por­ted the pre­par­a­tion of the bid con­tent.

To the offi­cial UEFA press release 

To the pro­ject