
UEFA Europa League Finals 2026/2027 — Frank­furt Bid

0435_01_UEFA EL 2026 & 2027 Bid Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
Eintracht Frankfurt Stadion GmbH

The German Foot­ball Asso­ci­ation (DFB), together with Ein­tracht Frank­furt and the Deutsche Bank Park, is bid­ding to host the UEFA Europa League Finals in 2026 or 2027 in Frank­furt. The UEFA Europa League is, along­side the UEFA Cham­pi­ons League, the second highest divi­sion in European pro­fes­sional foot­ball. Ein­tracht Frank­furt last won the pres­ti­gi­ous com­pet­i­tion in 2022 and is now trying to bring the Final to Frank­furt in 2026 or 2027.

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© Eintracht Frankfurt

For this pur­pose, PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned to coordin­ate and manage the entire bid and ensure timely and suc­cess­ful sub­mis­sion of all rel­ev­ant con­tent and doc­u­ments. In addi­tion to the elab­or­a­tion of the applic­a­tion con­tent, which was developed by Ein­tracht Frank­furt, the DFB, AS+P, or PRO­PRO­JEKT itself depend­ing on the topic, tar­geted coordin­a­tion with all stake­hold­ers involved was also of cent­ral import­ance. These stake­hold­ers included, among others, the author­it­ies of the City of Frank­furt am Main, Frank­furt Air­port (FRA­PORT) and vari­ous polit­ical insti­tu­tions at the state and fed­eral level.

0435_02_UEFA EL 2026 & 2027 Bid Frankfurt
© Eintracht Frankfurt
0435_04_UEFA EL 2026 & 2027 Bid Frankfurt
© Eintracht Frankfurt
0435_03_UEFA EL 2026 & 2027 Bid Frankfurt
© Eintracht Frankfurt

With the suc­cess­ful and timely sub­mis­sion of all bid doc­u­ments to UEFA on Feb­ru­ary 21, 2024, the object­ive of the com­mis­sion was suc­cess­fully achieved. On 22 May 2024, the UEFA Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee decided at a meet­ing in Dublin to award the 2027 Europa League final to Frank­furt. 

To the DFB press release

To the offi­cial UEFA press release


  • General project management
  • Elaboration of bid content and documents
  • Quality management and control for all relevant bid content
  • Stakeholder management and coordination
  • Securing timely submission of all required bid content

Credits / Cover

Eintracht Frankfurt