
Refur­bish­ment and devel­op­ment concept Otto-Fleck-Schneise

01_Entwicklungskonzept OFS
Frankfurt am Main
State of Hesse / German Olympic Sports Confederation

The Otto-Fleck-Schneise in Frank­furt am Main is the admin­is­trat­ive headquar­ters of the largest sports organ­isa­tions in Ger­many. In addi­tion to the German Olympic Sports Asso­ci­ation (DOSB), the German Foot­ball Asso­ci­ation (DFB), the German Gym­nastics Asso­ci­ation and more than twenty other asso­ci­ations, the State Sports Asso­ci­ation (LSB) of Hesse with its per­form­ance centre and asso­ci­ated train­ing and edu­ca­tional facil­it­ies have also settled in the south of Frank­furt. While some asso­ci­ations have mod­ern­ised and expan­ded their real estate port­fo­lio in recent years, there is a great need for renov­a­tion in many areas of the admin­is­trat­ive and sports areas, some of which are more than 30 years old.

02_Entwicklungskonzept OFS
03_Entwicklungskonzept OFS

PRO­PRO­JEKT was there­fore com­mis­sioned by the state of Hesse and the German Olympic Sports Con­fed­er­a­tion (DOSB) to develop a com­pre­hens­ive rehab­il­it­a­tion and devel­op­ment concept for the Otto-Fleck-Schneise. Meas­ures for the struc­tured devel­op­ment of the Otto-Fleck-Schneise for the next ten years were developed on the basis of a cross-asso­ci­ation and cross-prop­erty data col­lec­tion and eval­u­ation of the exist­ing real estate port­fo­lio as well as a com­pre­hens­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion pro­cess of the local clubs and asso­ci­ations. The steps for imple­ment­ing the pro­posed meas­ures, includ­ing cost estim­ates, were also presen­ted as a guide to the stra­tegic pos­i­tion­ing of the loc­a­tion.


  • Survey and assessment of the real estate portfolio and the associated need for modernisation
  • Implementation of a participation process with questionnaires and interviews
  • Identification of areas of action
  • Development of an overarching idea and definition of an integral future concept
  • Development of measures to implement the overarching idea
  • Designation of recommendations for action including implementation schedule and cost estimate

Credits / Cover

Gerd Arnolds