Building / Sports

Plan­ning coordin­a­tion
German House —
Olympic and
Para­lympic Games

0412_01_Deutsches Haus 2024 und 2026
Building, Sports
2017 — 2026
Pyeongchang / Tokyo / Paris / Milano-Cortina
Deutsche Sport Marketing GmbH

The German House is the main meet­ing point and thus a centrepiece of Ger­many's pres­ence at the Olympic and Para­lympic Games. Every two years since 1988 (for both the summer and winter edi­tions of the Games), ath­letes and their fam­il­ies, busi­ness part­ners, journ­al­ists and rep­res­ent­at­ives from polit­ics and soci­ety as well as other nations such as Switzer­land and Aus­tria have come together here under one roof to cel­eb­rate the world's biggest sport­ing event.

0412_04_Deutsches Haus 2018 und 2020
© Picture Alliance
0412_07_Deutsches Haus 2024
© Team Deutschland / AS+P
0412_06_Deutsches Haus 2024
© Team Deutschland / AS+P
0412_05_Deutsches Haus 2024
© Team Deutschland / AS+P

Since 2017, PRO­PRO­JEKT, together with AS+P, has been respons­ible for the plan­ning and real­isa­tion of the German House in PyeongChang 2018 as well as the plan­ning, ten­der­ing and award­ing of the German House Tokyo 2020. The focus was on cus­tom­ising the pro­ject to the local con­di­tions and spe­cific needs of Team D, Team D Para­lympics and its large number of part­ners.

0412_03_Deutsches Haus 2018 und 2020
© Picture Alliance

Build­ing on the suc­cess­ful work in South Korea and Japan, the part­ner­ship with Deutsche Sport Mar­ket­ing GmbH has been expan­ded and PRO­PRO­JEKT and AS+P are also taking over the plan­ning coordin­a­tion for the German Houses in Paris 2024 and Milan-Cor­tina 2026.

In Paris 2024, the largest German House of all time will open its doors to Team Ger­many and its fans in the Stade Jean Bouin in the imme­di­ate vicin­ity of two Olympic sports venues. Hos­pit­al­ity areas, media facil­it­ies, a train­ing centre for the ath­letes and a pub­licly access­ible Fan Zone inside the sta­dium will be tem­por­ar­ily con­struc­ted, allow­ing to wel­come up to 4,500 people per day

Par­al­lel to the pre­par­a­tions for the German House Paris 2024, plan­ning work is already under­way for the next German House as part of the Olympic and Para­lympic Winter Games in Milan-Cor­tina 2026.

0412_02_Deutsches Haus 2024 und 2026
0412_02_Deutsches Haus 2024
0412_03_Deutsches Haus 2024
0412_08_Deutsches Haus 2024
© Team Deutschland / Walter System GmbH
0412_09_Deutsches Haus 2024
© Team Deutschland / Walter System GmbH
0412_10_Deutsches Haus 2024
© Team Deutschland / Walter System GmbH
0412_11_Deutsches Haus 2024
© Team Deutschland / Walter System GmbH

PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the plan­ning pro­cess from site selec­tion to real­isa­tion and is respons­ible for the coordin­a­tion of all struc­tural install­a­tion and con­ver­sion meas­ures. Par­tic­u­lar focus lies on bring­ing together the require­ments of all pro­ject par­ti­cipants and coordin­at­ing with the prop­erty owners, public author­it­ies and the organ­ising com­mit­tees of the Olympic and Para­lympic Games.


  • Support with site selection
  • Concept development
  • Development of a spatial programme and coordination of user requirements
  • Planning coordination
  • Tendering and awarding of contracts
  • Construction supervision

Credits / Cover

Team Deutschland / AS+P