Building / Planning / Sports

Feas­ib­il­ity study for a sta­dium at the Sport­forum Berlin

0442_01_Bedarfsplanung Sportforum Berlin
Building, Planning, Sports
Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Inneres und Sport

The Sport­forum Berlin is to be fur­ther developed as a national top-class sports center in accord­ance with the adop­ted mas­ter­plan, taking into account all local clubs and thus fur­ther link­ing pop­u­lar and com­pet­it­ive sports.

The poten­tial long-term need for a soccer sta­dium in Berlin that is suit­able for a third divi­sion is to be examined to see whether it can be met at the Sport­forum site. In prin­ciple, the aim is to exam­ine the feas­ib­il­ity of a mul­ti­func­tional ball sports sta­dium for joint use as a venue for Amer­ican Foot­ball and Rugby matches, in addi­tion to a sta­dium suit­able for third divi­sion soccer with an estim­ated capa­city of 10,000 spec­tat­ors.

0442_03_Bedarfsplanung Sportforum Berlin
0442_02_Bedarfsplanung Sportforum Berlin
0442_04_Bedarfsplanung Sportforum Berlin

PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned together with the plan­ning office AS+P to develop a per­spect­ive mul­ti­func­tional sta­dium upgrade.

To this end, the first phase of the pro­ject will involve dis­cus­sions with the rel­ev­ant stake­hold­ers in order to determ­ine require­ments plan­ning and trans­late this into a mul­ti­func­tional space pro­gram. Based on this, recom­mend­a­tions were drawn up for the devel­op­ment of the sta­dium, taking into account the gen­eral con­di­tions at the site.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion can be found here.


  • General project management and stakeholder management
  • Determination of requirements with subsequent creation of a room program
  • Creation of a feasability study considering the possible options for renovation or new construction
  • Economic consideration and cost estimate
  • Creation of a schedule for the gradual implementation and financing of the entire measure

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