10. Oktober 2023

UK & Ire­land appoin­ted as hosts for UEFA EURO 2028

We were delighted to hear that the UK and Ire­land has today been con­firmed as hosts of UEFA EURO 2028. The UEFA EURO 2028 bid has a clear and com­pel­ling vision to help domestic and European foot­ball grow a more diverse and inclus­ive game, con­nect with new audi­ences and inspire the next gen­er­a­tion of play­ers, fans and volun­teers. We sup­port the UK and Ire­land vision of ‘Foot­ball for all. Foot­ball for good. Foot­ball for the future’.

390_04_UEFA EURO 2028 UK&I Bid_Host announcement
© The FA Group

Together with The Sports Con­sultancy, PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­por­ted the bid through the selec­tion pro­cess of the Eng­lish stadia. Fur­ther­more, PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned to help develop a strong sus­tain­ab­il­ity concept for the bid dossier.

To the offi­cial press release

To the pro­ject