12. September 2023

PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the fed­eral gov­ern­ment at the 16th Fed­eral Con­gress on National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy in Jena

The Fed­eral Min­istry for Hous­ing, Urban Devel­op­ment and Build­ing (BMWSB), together with the Con­fer­ence of German Build­ing Min­is­ters, the Asso­ci­ation of German Cities and the German Asso­ci­ation of Towns and Muni­cip­al­it­ies, hosted the 16th Fed­eral Con­gress on National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy "Urban-Rural Future Lab – new path­ways to better cooper­a­tion!" on the 12th and 13th Septem­ber 2023 at the Volk­shaus in Jena.

The fed­eral con­gress them­at­ic­ally picked up on the IBA Thuringia 2023 and around 1,000 par­ti­cipants dis­cussed cur­rent approaches and strategies of urban devel­op­ment policy in a plen­ary ses­sion, six arenas and ten side events. This year, some of the arenas were com­bined with excur­sions, taking par­ti­cipants to spe­cial places in the city of Jena and in Thuringia. 

Fur­ther inform­a­tion on the con­gress, such as the con­fer­ence paper with addi­tional con­tri­bu­tions or videos of the con­gress, can be found on the con­gress web­site.

0376_12_16 Bundeskongress
© BMWSB / Alem Kolbus
0376_10_16 Bundeskongress
© Roman Moebius
0376_09_16 Bundeskongress
© Roman Moebius
0376_11_16 Bundeskongress
© Roman Moebius
© André Gräf / Jenapardies

The Fed­eral Con­gress on National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy is held annu­ally as part of the joint ini­ti­at­ive National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy estab­lished by the fed­eral gov­ern­ment, the fed­eral states and the muni­cip­al­it­ies. Since 2007, this ini­ti­at­ive has been imple­ment­ing in Ger­many the con­tents of the Leipzig Charter on Sus­tain­able European Cities adop­ted by the respons­ible min­is­ters of the EU member states.

PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­por­ted the BMWSB in coordin­at­ing the insti­tu­tions involved and accom­pan­ies the con­tent and organ­iz­a­tional pre­par­a­tion, imple­ment­a­tion and doc­u­ment­a­tion of the fed­eral con­gress.

To the pro­ject