14. March 2022

PRO­PRO­JEKT devel­ops the Master Plan for the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games

From the start of the bid­ding pro­cess for the event, the German Uni­ver­sity Sports Fed­er­a­tion (adh) has coun­ted on an intens­ive cooper­a­tion with PRO­PRO­JEKT and AS+P to develop a future-ori­ented and sus­tain­able host­ing concept. This suc­cess­ful part­ner­ship will now be con­tin­ued with the organ­ising com­mit­tee of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games.


A cent­ral task of the rap­idly grow­ing organ­ising com­mit­tee is the devel­op­ment of a Master Plan, which defines tasks, respons­ib­il­it­ies and oper­a­tional prin­ciples as well as time sched­ules.


PRO­PRO­JEKT will be respons­ible for the concept devel­op­ment and the con­fig­ur­a­tion of the Master Plan and will provide addi­tional sup­port in the areas of concept con­sol­id­a­tion, fin­ance and stra­tegic pos­i­tion­ing.


More inform­a­tion on the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games can be found here.

095_Master Plan Rhein-Ruhr 2025 WUG