18. March 2022

Feas­ib­il­ity study for mul­ti­func­tional arena in Frank­furt

In cooper­a­tion with AS+P, PRO­PRO­JEKT has elab­or­ated a feas­ib­il­ity study on the loc­a­tion of a mul­ti­func­tional arena in the Deutsche Bank Sport­park, which was presen­ted to the public on March 16 by City Coun­cil­lor Mike Josef, Head of Plan­ning, Hous­ing and Sport.

The concept for a new mul­ti­func­tional arena offers space for up to 15,000 spec­tat­ors. The city of Frank­furt am Main is the owner of the pro­posed prop­erty, which cur­rently serves primar­ily as park­ing lot P9 for guest buses during Ein­tracht games and has his­tor­ic­ally already been used as a cyc­ling track and out­door ice hockey sta­dium.

In the course of the feas­ib­il­ity study, PRO­PRO­JEKT developed an ini­tial market and demand ana­lysis to derive the neces­sary frame­work para­met­ers, such as poten­tial event uses and spec­tator capa­cit­ies, as well as a cost fore­cast for the func­tional plan­ning of the mul­ti­func­tional arena and the neces­sary infra­struc­ture meas­ures.

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