05. February 2024

Hous­ing estate "Leuchte" — Geo­thermal Response Test

In late 2023, the found­a­tion 'St. Kath­ar­inen- und Weiß­frauen­stif­tung' comis­sioned a geo­thermal response test (GRT) to invest­ig­ate the thermal con­duct­iv­ity on the build­ing site for the con­struc­tion of a new senior cit­izens' res­id­en­tial com­plex and two apart­ment blocks in Frank­furt Bergen-Enkheim. 

0365_01_Projektsteuerung Wohnanlage Leuchte
0365_02_Projektsteuerung Wohnanlage Leuchte

After eval­u­at­ing the GRT meas­ure­ment, which was car­ried out using a geo­thermal probe at a final depth of 160 metres, the favoured energy supply for the build­ings can be imple­men­ted using a brine heat pump in con­junc­tion with a geo­thermal probe field. The pilot bore­hole required for the test will be integ­rated into the probe field at a later date so that no addi­tional costs are incurred when the pro­ject is sub­sequently real­ised. By util­ising geo­thermal energy, a sig­ni­fic­ant pro­por­tion of the energy require­ments of the new build­ings at St. Kath­ar­inen and Weiß­frauen­stift can be covered in a cli­mate-friendly manner.

PRO­PRO­JEKT is sup­port­ing the pro­ject with pro­ject man­age­ment ser­vices in accord­ance with AHO at all pro­ject stages. The pro­ject is cur­rently in the design plan­ning phase (LP 3). The over­all com­ple­tion of the res­id­en­tial com­plex is planned for mid-2026.

To the pro­ject