17. May 2024

PROPROJEKT supports DOSB campaign to strengthen democracy

The German Olympic Sports Con­fed­er­a­tion (DOSB) has presen­ted its new cam­paign to strengthen demo­cracy in and through sport as part of the Par­lia­ment­ary Even­ing of German Sport. 

Accord­ing to DOSB Pres­id­ent Weikert, the cam­paign aims to show 'that organ­ised sport is com­mit­ted to demo­cratic values and stands up against mis­an­thropy, racism, viol­ence, hatred and hate speech.' 

119_PROPROJEKT unterstützt DOSB Kampagne zur Demokratiestärkung
119_02_PROPROJEKT unterstützt DOSB Kampagne zur Demokratiestärkung
119_03_PROPROJEKT unterstützt DOSB Kampagne zur Demokratiestärkung
119_04_PROPROJEKT unterstützt DOSB Kampagne zur Demokratiestärkung
119_05_PROPROJEKT unterstützt DOSB Kampagne zur Demokratiestärkung

The cam­paign is just one part of a series of meas­ures that the DOSB is driv­ing for­ward in order to focus on the topic of 'sport and demo­cracy' this year and to strengthen and sup­port member organ­isa­tions, sports clubs, ath­letes and com­mit­ted indi­vidu­als in their work.

As an offi­cial part­ner of 'Team D', PRO­PRO­JEKT shares and sup­ports the ideas and values of the cam­paign: We are PRO demo­cratic values and AGAINST mis­an­thropy, hatred and hate speech.

To the cam­paign

To the offi­cial press release of the DOSB