09. September 2020

Coordin­ated con­struc­tion logist­ics at Frank­furt Air­port: con­struc­tion pro­gress of PTS

Regard­less of the impact of the Covid-19 pan­demic on inter­na­tional air traffic, the sup­port con­struc­tion for the new pas­sen­ger trans­port system (PTS) con­nec­tion to Ter­minal 3, which is due to open in the south of the site around 2024 and will increase the air­port's total capa­city to around 90 mil­lion pas­sen­gers per year, has been under­way since mid-2019. Approx­im­ately 80 sup­port columns are being built for the new 5.6 km route and now the lift­ing of the guide­way girders begins. Steel or rein­forced con­crete girders weigh­ing up to 40 tons are lifted and moun­ted on the sup­port columns syn­chron­ously by two assembly cranes. It will take until around mid / late 2022 until all the guide­way girders are installed. After com­ple­tion, the driv­ing system will be installed on the new guide­way. Each indi­vidual crane loc­a­tion must be coordin­ated in detail with many parties involved, since the lift­ing oper­a­tions take place in very con­fined spaces on the air­port premises or in ​​pub­lic road areas.

Koordinierte Baulogistik 01

PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports Fra­port AG as part of the Coordin­ated Con­struc­tion Logist­ics pro­ject with the over­all logist­ics coordin­a­tion of this and all other con­struc­tion pro­jects at Frank­furt Air­port. Coordin­a­tion between pro­ject rep­res­ent­at­ives and those respons­ible for oper­a­tions is car­ried out on an ongo­ing basis and status plans for the logist­ical require­ments of the con­struc­tion pro­jects are com­piled. Guar­an­tee­ing smooth air­port oper­a­tions taking into account the space and time require­ments of the indi­vidual con­struc­tion pro­jects is always the main focus of the pro­ject.

To the pro­ject

Koordinierte Baulogistik 02