
Task Force School Con­struc­tion

Task Force Schulbau
Frankfurt am Main
Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Dezernat IV–Bildung und Frauen

By decision of 16/07/2015 the City Coun­cil of Frank­furt has decided to fully imple­ment the Integ­rated Edu­ca­tion Devel­op­ment Plan (iSEP). The iSEP provides for the con­struc­tion and expan­sion of sev­eral new schools, with its imple­ment­a­tion as a key pri­or­ity for the Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion.
A task force was imple­men­ted in order to ensure the short-term need of a greater capa­city of schools till the begin­ning of the school year in 2016/17. Through an inter­de­part­mental organ­iz­a­tion it was pos­sible to accel­er­ate pro­ced­ures and decisions during the real­iz­a­tion phase.

To sup­port the pro­ject organ­iz­a­tion, PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned to imple­ment an organ­iz­a­tional struc­ture, to coordin­ate the pro­cess and to super­vise con­struc­tional issues. In cooper­a­tion with the Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion, PRO­PRO­JEKT acted as pro­ject man­ager during the pre­par­a­tion and car­ry­ing out of con­struc­tion meas­ures.


  • Con­trolling of con­struc­tion meas­ures for schools
  • Imple­ment­a­tion of an organ­iz­a­tional struc­ture
  • Launch­ing of reg­u­lar meet­ings
  • Coordin­a­tion and bring­ing about of decisions
  • Schedul­ing and cost plan­ning
  • Report­ing and com­mu­nic­a­tion

Credits / Cover

  • Bernhard Maß­lich Architek­tur­büro