Planning / Sports

Sport Tour­ism Devel­op­ment Ajara

Sport Tourism Development Ajara_HPTC_07
Planning, Sports
Autonomous Republic of Ajara
Ministry of Finance and Economy

The Autonom­ous Repub­lic of Ajara, loc­ated on the Black Sea, is one of the eco­nom­ic­ally fast­est devel­op­ing regions in Geor­gia. Due to its unique land­scapes, it is one of Geor­gi­a’s tour­ism centres, with tour­ism being a key sector of Ajara’s eco­nomy. There­fore, the local gov­ern­ment of Ajara is keen to fur­ther develop the tour­ism sector and diver­sify it by cre­at­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for inter­na­tional sports tour­ism.

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© AS+P / B. C. Horvath

The Min­istry of Fin­ance and Eco­nomy of the Autonom­ous Repub­lic of Ajara has com­mis­sioned PRO­PRO­JEKT together with AS+P to ana­lyse the exist­ing sport infra­struc­ture in the region and to design a sport tour­ism concept includ­ing high-per­form­ance train­ing cen­ters. In a first stage the gen­eral suit­ab­il­ity of Ajara based on the eco­nomic and tour­ism-related devel­op­ment was ana­lysed. Beyond, a com­pre­hens­ive bench­mark ana­lysis of state-of-the-art elite train­ing cen­ters and recre­ational sports resorts was con­duc­ted and the sport activ­ity of poten­tial user groups in the region was ana­lysed together with cur­rent sport trends. Fur­ther, the exist­ing and planned sports infra­struc­ture has been ana­lysed and con­sidered for the over­all plan­ning.

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© AS+P / B. C. Horvath
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© AS+P / B. C. Horvath
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© AS+P / B. C. Horvath

In the fol­low­ing second stage, poten­tial sites for a pro­fes­sional train­ing center have been eval­u­ated. Based on the res­ults, one con­crete train­ing center with facil­it­ies for year-round use for pro­fes­sional and recre­ational sports has been planned and an ini­tial busi­ness plan for its oper­a­tion was cre­ated. Beyond, oppor­tun­it­ies for host­ing inter­na­tional sport events were eval­u­ated and ini­tial recom­mend­a­tions were given.


  • Ana­lysis of the local eco­nomic and tour­ism devel­op­ment
  • Bench­mark­ing of high-per­form­ance train­ing cen­ters, sport tour­ism resorts and strategies
  • Demand ana­lysis regard­ing sport activ­ity with implic­a­tions for a train­ing center
  • Site selec­tion and plan­ning of a high-per­form­ance train­ing center
  • Ini­tial oper­at­ing concept and busi­ness plan
  • Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of suit­able inter­na­tional sport events

Credits / Cover

Archi­tek­tur-Com­pu­ter­gra­fik B. C. Hor­vath