
Spe­cial Olympics World Summer Games Bid Berlin 2023

Special Olympics 04
Senatsverwaltung für Inneres und Sport Berlin

The bid of the sports met­ro­polis Berlin and Spe­cial Olympics Ger­many for the Spe­cial Olympics World Summer Games 2023 has been suc­cess­ful. On Novem­ber 13, 2018, Spe­cial Olympics Inter­na­tional awar­ded the world’s largest inclus­ive sport­ing event to Berlin.

The event, which is altern­ately staged in summer and winter, is the flag­ship of the Spe­cial Olympics Move­ment that stands for Equal­ity, Tol­er­ance and Accept­ance for People with Intel­lec­tual Dis­ab­il­it­ies around the world. The Spe­cial Olympics World Summer Games are char­ac­ter­ized by nine days of cap­tiv­at­ing and inspir­ing com­pet­i­tions between around 7,000 ath­letes from around 170 nations, where the sports activ­ity of people with intel­lec­tual dis­ab­il­it­ies and uni­fied of people with and without dis­ab­il­it­ies is the focus of atten­tion. A com­pre­hens­ive sup­port­ing pro­gram in the areas of sci­ence, health, edu­ca­tion and cul­ture accom­pan­ies the ath­letic com­pet­i­tions.

The Berlin concept sug­gests com­pet­i­tions at 15 sports facil­it­ies, includ­ing the Olympic Park, the trade fair grounds, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sport­park and Wannsee. The street of the 17th of June is thought to be the scene of the event, aiming to invite people to par­ti­cip­ate and to cel­eb­rate together and bring­ing the sub­ject of inclu­sion to the public.

PRO­PRO­JEKT closely accom­pan­ied the Berlin Senate through­out the bid­ding pro­cess. On July 15, 2018, the Bid Book com­piled by PRO­PRO­JEKT was sub­mit­ted to Spe­cial Olympics Inter­na­tional. Together with AS + P, the over­all concept for the event on topics such as com­pet­i­tion and non-com­pet­i­tion venues, accom­mod­a­tion, trans­port and fin­ance was developed and presen­ted to a del­eg­a­tion of the inter­na­tional asso­ci­ation during their eval­u­ation visit in Berlin.

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To the pro­ject "Pro­­gramme Man­age­­ment SOWG Berlin 2023"

Special Olympics 03
© SOD / Annette Hauschild OSTKREUZ


  • Pro­fes­sional sup­port through­out the bid­ding pro­cess
  • Tech­nical and stra­tegic con­sultancy
  • Devel­op­ment of the over­all concept (com­pet­i­tion and non-com­pet­i­tion venues, accom­mod­a­tion, trans­port, fin­ance)
  • Qual­ity assur­ance accord­ing to the require­ments of SOI
  • Coordin­a­tion and pro­duc­tion of all bid­ding doc­u­ments
  • Pro­fes­sional sup­port of the eval­u­ation visit

Credits / Cover

Spe­cial Olympics Ger­many (SOD)

Jörg Brügge­mann OSTKREUZ

Annette Hauschild OSTKREUZ

Juri Reetz