
Pro­gramme Man­age­ment — FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games 2025

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Rhein-Ruhr Gebiet
Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH

The German Uni­ver­sity Sports Fed­er­a­tion (adh) has suc­cess­fully bid to host the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games with the sup­port of the state of North Rhine-West­phalia, the Fed­eral Min­istry of the Interior, Build­ing and Com­munity and the local host cities. The innov­at­ive and sus­tain­able concept of the Rhine-Ruhr region with the venues in Bochum, Duis­burg, Essen & Mül­heim an der Ruhr con­vinced the FISU Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee to award Ger­many the bid to host the FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games in 2025 on 15 May 2021. The venues will be com­ple­men­ted by the exist­ing sports infra­struc­ture in the cities of Berlin and Hagen.

The Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games are the world's largest multi-sport event after the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the most important multi-sport event of 2025.

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© Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH
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© Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH

The organ­isa­tion of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games offers a great oppor­tun­ity for the region, which not only focuses on the pro­fes­sional sta­ging of the event, but also on the cre­ation of long-term added value for the region, sport and the uni­ver­sity land­scape.

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© Arndt Falter

The twelve-day period of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games will begin with the open­ing cere­mony on 16 July 2025 and offi­cially end on 27 July 2025, during which time around 8,500 ath­letes will com­pete in 18 offi­cial sports. In addi­tion, many other activ­it­ies and a com­pre­hens­ive accom­pa­ny­ing pro­gramme will take place in the Rhine-Ruhr region and pro­mote inter­cul­tural exchange between the up to 150 par­ti­cip­at­ing nations.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion about the event can be found here.

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© Danny Ralph Cäsar
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PRO­PRO­JEKT is respons­ible for the over­all pro­ject man­age­ment and mon­it­or­ing of the plan­ning and imple­ment­a­tion pro­cess as well as the inter­face man­age­ment of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World Uni­ver­sity Games.


  • Planning and implementation processes, milestone planning and interface coordination
  • Knowledge management and knowledge transfer
  • Coordination of the implementation of the strategic direction
  • Support with quality assurance and compliance
  • Readiness Exercise Monitoring
  • Support for the Main Operation Centre
  • Support for operational risk management

Credits / Cover

Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH