Planning / Sports

Devel­op­ment concept for the Olympic Park Berlin

Entwicklungskonzept Olympiapark Berlin_01
Planning, Sports
Senatsverwaltung für Inneres und Sport, Berlin

The approx. 160-hec­tare Olympic Park Berlin is a sports and event venue of inter­na­tional stand­ing and at the same time a unique ensemble of sports and archi­tec­tural his­tory. Today, ath­letes from over 20 clubs and asso­ci­ations train on the site, which is also the headquar­ters of around 30 sports organ­iz­a­tions. How­ever, a high main­ten­ance and renov­a­tion need for the exist­ing premises and sports facil­it­ies has been iden­ti­fied until the year 2050. In this con­text, PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned by the Senate Depart­ment for Home Affairs and Sport, Olympiapark Berlin, to create an over­all use and devel­op­ment concept, which forms the basis for future struc­tural meas­ures, util­isa­tion for train­ing and com­pet­i­tion oper­a­tions, as well as event use.

Entwicklungskonzept Olympiapark Berlin_05

In the devel­op­ment pro­cess, based on an invent­ory ana­lysis and an extens­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion pro­cess with ten­ants and users, an over­arch­ing idea for the stra­tegic pos­i­tion­ing of the Olympic Park in the Berlin and Ger­many-wide sports land­scape was developed. In the next step, meas­ures and recom­mend­a­tions for the imple­ment­a­tion of this idea were developed and time and cost estim­ates provided. The result is an over­all use and devel­op­ment concept that will serve as a guid­ing plan for the fur­ther devel­op­ment of the Berlin Olympic Park for the next ten years.


  • Invent­ory ana­lysis regard­ing renov­a­tion and invest­ment needs, util­isa­tion and user require­ments as well as usage poten­tial and restric­tions
  • Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of areas of action
  • Imple­ment­a­tion of a par­ti­cip­a­tion pro­cess
  • Devel­op­ment of an over­arch­ing idea and defin­i­tion of an integ­ral future concept
  • Devel­op­ment of meas­ures to imple­ment the over­arch­ing idea
  • Name of recom­mend­a­tions for action includ­ing imple­ment­a­tion sched­ule and cost estim­ate

Credits / Cover

Areal View: Senate Depart­ment for Home Affairs and Sport