14. February 2023

#Unbeat­ab­le­To­gether - 22,000 Volun­teers for the Spe­cial Olympics World Games in Berlin

The biggest multi-sport event in Ger­many since the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is cast­ing its long shad­ows ahead and is already set­ting new stand­ards: more than 22,000 volun­teers had registered by the clos­ing date for applic­a­tions to sup­port the World Games in summer. This means that the target of 20,000 volun­teers has even been exceeded. Together with the local organ­iz­ing team, the volun­teers will ensure that the approx­im­ately 7,000 ath­letes from all over the world will find the best con­di­tions in Berlin from June 17-25. At present, roughly 200 employ­ees in the Local Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee in Berlin, spread over 10 divi­sions and 47 func­tional areas, are pre­par­ing for the World Games. 

These fig­ures illus­trate the size and com­plex­ity of the World Games. PRO­PRO­JEKT has been sup­port­ing the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee since the bid­ding phase and, in its role as pro­gram man­age­ment, is steer­ing the integ­rated plan­ning pro­cess of all func­tional areas. In addi­tion to the team in Berlin, PRO­PRO­JEKT col­leagues from the dif­fer­ent offices will sup­port the World Games as volun­teers in vari­ous func­tions.

To the pro­ject

© Special Olympics World Games 2023 / Kamel Froschmann
© Special Olympics World Games 2023 / Kamel Froschmann