16. January 2023

Willkommen in 2023 — machen Sie gemeinsam mit uns einen Schnitt.

Dear business partners and friends,

Even if the year 2022 goes down in the history of our continent as a “turning point” given all the drastic events that occurred, we nevertheless feel that there were many positive developments, and they make us optimistic for the year 2023 — cut.

For example, the share of renew­able ener­gies in power gen­er­a­tion in Ger­many has risen to around 49%. And at the World Con­fer­ence on Nature in Montreal, 196 coun­tries signed the declar­a­tion set­ting the goal of pro­tect­ing 30% of their respect­ive land and sea areas. We also trav­elled the length and breadth of Ger­many for three months on a 9-Euro rail ticket. Not to forget, the COVID-19 pan­demic is slowly coming to an end. So on bal­ance, things look quite encour­aging.

There was also a lot of good news in our PRO­PRO­JEKT micro­cosm in 2022. At the begin­ning of last year, we remodeled our office space and adap­ted it to our new work real­it­ies.

In May 2022, we acted as volun­teers at the 3rd State Games of Spe­cial Olympics Hessen and at long last all cel­eb­rated a big summer party in the fall – after two years of the pan­demic. In addi­tion, we have had a grat­i­fy­ing increase in com­mit­ted and young col­leagues. And thanks to you have been work­ing on chal­len­ging and excit­ing pro­jects.

Cut­ting edge

At the turn of the year, we cut an old link – and have proudly star­ted 2023 anew with a gen­er­ously designed homepage – the edge you’ll be famil­iar with from our logo now breaks through the back­ground. It stands for our trans­par­ent approach to work, which cuts to the heart of even the most com­plex pro­jects.

We would like to cor­di­ally invite you to embark on a digital jour­ney and get an idea of our new office space, get to know our new col­leagues, and ret­ro­spect­ively exper­i­ence suc­cess­fully imple­men­ted pro­jects.

To the start page

In this spirit

The PROPROJEKT team wishes everyone a good, successful and above all peaceful New Year 2023!

  • Stefan Klos
    Stefan Klos

    Managing Partner

    Dipl.-Ing. Civil Engineering

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 405


  • Friedemann Tutsch
    Friedemann Tutsch

    Authorised signatory, Member of the management board

    Dipl.-Ing. Civil Engineering

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 406


  • Manuel Geis
    Immanuel Geis

    Authorised Signatory, Member of the Management Board

    Dipl.-Ing. Architect, Master of Business and Engineering, DVP-ZERT-PM

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 411


  • Katrin Ninck
    Katrin Ninck

    Dipl.-Ing. Civil Engineering

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 400


  • Phillip Michler
    Phil­lip Michler

    Dipl.-Ing. Architect, M.Sc. Int. Project Management

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 402


  • Stephanie Pannier
    Stephanie Pan­nier

    Dipl.-Ing. Architect, DVP-ZERT-PM

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 410


  • Kathrin Beckers
    Kath­rin Beck­ers

    Dipl. Geographer, Certified PM Associate

    +49 (0) 30 ⁄ 920 390 ⁄ 35


  • Carla Wuhrer
    Carla Wuhrer

    MAS Sport Administration

    +49 (0) 160 ⁄ 97829186


  • Wiebke Balcke
    Wiebke Balcke

    Authorised Signatory, Member of the Management Board

    MBA Sport Management, M.A. International Relations

    +49 (0) 30 ⁄ 920 390 ⁄ 35


  • Christian Alfs
    Dr. Chris­tian Alfs

    M.Sc. Sport Management, Real Estate Economist, Certified PM Associate

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 407


  • Ulrike Schönbronner
    Ulrike Schön­bron­ner

    Dipl.-Ing. Architect, DGNB Consultant, DVP-ZERT-PM

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 409


  • Elina Keim
    Elina Keim

    Member of the Management Board

    M.Eng. Architect, Certified PM Associate

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 408


  • Maximilian Schwarz
    Max­imilian Schwarz

    M.Eng. Urban Planning, Certified PM Associate

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 404


  • Christoph Schulz
    Chris­toph Schulz

    Dipl. Sport Science

    +49 (0) 30 ⁄ 920 390 ⁄ 36


  • Sarah Sebesta 2
    Sarah Sebesta

    M.Sc. International Sport Management

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 419


  • Joshua Nübel
    Joshua Nübel

    M.Sc. International Sport Management

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 420


  • Martin Olzowy
    Martin Olszowy

    MBA Sport Management

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 423


  • Maxi Mielcarek
    Maxi Davies

    M.Sc. Urban Planning

    T +49 (0) 30 ⁄ 920 390 ⁄ 36


  • Antonia Fiedler
    Ant­o­nia Fiedler

    M.Sc. Urban and Spatial Planning, DVP-ZERT-PM

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 426


  • Luisa Hövel
    Luisa Hövel

    M.Sc. Business Administration

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 415


  • Jakob Müller
    Jakob Müller

    M.Sc. Civil Engineering

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 424


  • Tim Kochler
    Tim Kochler

    B.A. Sports and Sports Science

    +49 (0) 69 / 60 50 11 / 412
