21. April 2023

UK and Ire­land UEFA EURO 2028 Bid — Final Bid Dossier sub­mit­ted

On 12 April 2023, the United King­dom and Ire­land sub­mit­ted their final bid to host the UEFA EURO 2028.

The five nations' joint bid com­prises a modern and sus­tain­able host­ing concept with the fol­low­ing venues and sta­di­ums: 

  1. London – Wemb­ley Sta­dium (90,652)
  2. Cardiff – National Sta­dium of Wales (73,952)
  3. London – Tot­ten­ham Hot­spur Sta­dium (62,322)
  4. Manchester – City of Manchester Sta­dium (61,000)
  5. Liv­er­pool – Ever­ton Sta­dium (52,679)
  6. New­castle – St James' Park (52,305)
  7. Birm­ing­ham – Villa Park (52,190)
  8. Glas­gow – Hamp­den Park (52,032)
  9. Dublin – Dublin Arena (51,711)
  10. Bel­fast – Case­ment Park (34,500)

Over the next few months, the UEFA Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee will eval­u­ate the bids from UK and Ire­land as well as Turkey and announce the host selec­tion in Octo­ber.

390_01_UEFA EURO 2028 UK&I Bid_Wembley Stadium
© The FA Group

Together with The Sports Con­sultancy, PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­por­ted the Eng­lish FA in the selec­tion of the Eng­lish stadia. Fur­ther­more, PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned to develop the sus­tain­ab­il­ity concept for the bid dossier. The com­pre­hens­ive concept of more than 100 pages not only com­plies with inter­na­tional stand­ards and UEFA require­ments but marks the state-of-the-art for a sus­tain­able tour­na­ment organ­isa­tion with sus­tain­ab­il­ity integ­rated as a cross-cut­ting topic.

To the offi­cial press release

To the pro­ject