07. June 2023

Sup­port­ing Team D in Paris 2024 and Milan-Cor­tina 2026

PRO­PRO­JEKT extends the part­ner­ship with Team Ger­many and Team Ger­many Para­lympics for another four years. Since 2017 we have been sup­port­ing – together with our part­ners from AS+P Albert Speer + Part­ner GmbH – the German Olympic Sports Con­fed­er­a­tion (Deutscher Olympis­cher Sport­bund / DOSB), the German Dis­abled Sports Asso­ci­ation (Deutscher Behinder­ten­s­port­verb­and / DBS) and German Sports Mar­ket­ing (Deutsche Sport Mar­ket­ing / DSM) in the con­cep­tu­al­isa­tion and real­isa­tion of the German Houses as part of the Olympic and Para­lympic Games. We are thrilled to sup­port German elite sports over the next four years with extens­ive expert know­ledge and our national and inter­na­tional exper­i­ence in plan­ning sports facil­it­ies and events.

To the DSM press release

Partnerschaft Team D

In the photo (from left): Fried­bert Greif, Man­aging Part­ner AS+P, DSM Man­aging Dir­ector Claudia Wagner, and Stefan Klos, Man­aging Part­ner PRO­PRO­JEKT, seal the con­tinu­ation of the part­ner­ship with another han­dover of the relay baton - appro­pri­ately at the Stade Jean Bouin as the future loc­a­tion for the German House Paris 2024.