01. November 2019

Suc­cess­ful present­a­tion of a sports tour­ism concept for Ajara, Geor­gia

The Autonom­ous Repub­lic of Ajara, loc­ated on the Black Sea coast, is one of the eco­nom­ic­ally fast­est devel­op­ing regions of Geor­gia. With the aim of eco­nomic diver­si­fic­a­tion, the Min­istry of Fin­ance and Eco­nomy has com­mis­sioned PRO­PRO­JEKT together with AS+P to develop a sports tour­ism concept. Based on the detailed ana­lysis of the local demand, the regional char­ac­ter­ist­ics as well as inter­na­tional bench­marks, PRO­PRO­JEKT and AS+P have planned a pro­fes­sional train­ing center with facil­it­ies for year-round use for pro­fes­sional, recre­ational and leis­ure sports in the moun­tain­ous region around the regional cap­ital Batumi and presen­ted the res­ults at the pro­posed site.

To the pro­ject

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© AS+P / B. C. Horvath
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