12. July 2019

Sport tour­ism devel­op­ment Ajara

The Autonom­ous Repub­lic of Ajara, loc­ated on the Black Sea, is one of the eco­nom­ic­ally fast­est devel­op­ing regions in Geor­gia. Due to the fact that tour­ism being a key sector of Ajara’s eco­nomy, the local gov­ern­ment of Ajara is keen to fur­ther develop the tour­ism sector and diver­sify it by cre­at­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for inter­na­tional sports tour­ism.

The Min­istry of Fin­ance and Eco­nomy of the Autonom­ous Repub­lic of Ajara has com­mis­sioned PRO­PRO­JEKT together with AS+P to ana­lyse the exist­ing sport infra­struc­ture in the region and to design a sport tour­ism concept includ­ing high-per­form­ance train­ing cen­ters.

To the pro­ject

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