16. Dezember 2021

Spe­cial Olympics World Games 2023 presents logo and claim

The local organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee of the Spe­cial Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 has reached another import­ant mile­stone: One and a half years before the open­ing cere­mony will take place in Berlin's Olympic Sta­dium, the logo and claim of the World Games for people with intel­lec­tual and mul­tiple dis­ab­il­it­ies have been presen­ted.


The Spe­cial Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 are Games by ath­letes for ath­letes. That is why they were involved in the devel­op­ment of the logo from the very begin­ning. In many hours of digital work­shops, Spe­cial Olympics ath­letes from all over the world con­trib­uted their ideas and feel­ings and helped to develop the color and symbol world of the logo.


The result is a logo that is cheer­ful, col­or­ful, vibrant and uni­fy­ing. A logo that breaks down walls. Match­ing this and play­ing an equally import­ant role is the developed claim: #Unbeat­ableTogether.


The Games are the world's largest inclus­ive sport­ing event. From June 17 to 25 2023, the Spe­cial Olympics World Games will take place in the cap­ital - and thus for the first time in Ger­many.


PRO­PRO­JEKT has been accom­pa­ny­ing the Berlin Senate and Spe­cial Olympics Ger­many since the bid­ding phase and has also been sup­port­ing the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee in pre­par­ing for the World Games since spring 2020.


For fur­ther inform­a­tion please visit www.en.ber­lin2023.org/logo-and-claim

089_SOWG2023 Logo
© Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 Local Organizing Committee GmbH