08. December 2021

Pub­lic­a­tion on the memor­andum "Urban Resi­li­ence — Paths to a Robust, Adapt­ive and Sus­tain­able City"

On May 3, 2021, the memor­andum “Urban Resi­li­ence - Paths to a Robust, Adapt­ive and Sus­tain­able City” was adop­ted at the 14th Fed­eral Con­gress of National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy. In Novem­ber 2021, a follow-up bro­chure was pub­lished, deep­en­ing the con­tents and recom­mend­a­tions for action for­mu­lated in the memor­andum.


PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­por­ted the Fed­eral Min­istry together with Büro Kaufmann in terms of con­tent and organ­iz­a­tion in the devel­op­ment pro­cess and was respons­ible for the con­cep­tion and edit­ing of the pub­lic­a­tion.


The pub­lic­a­tion is avail­able for down­load here (German only).

© Bundesministerium des Inneren, für Bau und Heimat