21. December 2023

PRO­PRO­JEKT cal­cu­lates carbon foot­print for 2022 and invests in cli­mate pro­tec­tion pro­jects

116_Klimabilanz 2022

As part of our com­mit­ment to envir­on­mental pro­tec­tion, we have worked with myc­li­mate to cal­cu­late our cor­por­ate carbon foot­print for 2022 and inves­ted a cor­res­pond­ing con­tri­bu­tion in the fin­an­cing of sus­tain­able cli­mate pro­tec­tion pro­jects.

The calculated emissions amount to a total of 58.2 tonnes of CO2 equivalents.

At the begin­ning of next year, we will determ­ine our eco­lo­gical foot­print for the report­ing year 2023. Based on this, we will derive meas­ures that will con­trib­ute to a more envir­on­ment­ally friendly work­ing envir­on­ment and fur­ther strengthen our efforts to pro­tect the cli­mate.

Klimabilanz 2022_per PRO
Klimabilanz 2022_flights
Klimabilanz 2022_trainers