06. Dezember 2023

ESB inter­view on sports archi­tec­ture and sus­tain­ab­il­ity

As part of the ESB Mar­ket­ing Net­work's Exper­tView series, Chris­tian Alfs was inter­viewed about cur­rent topics and devel­op­ments in the area of sports venue plan­ning. In addi­tion to ques­tions about our approach to such pro­jects and our ser­vice port­fo­lio, a focus was also on the aspects of sus­tain­ab­il­ity and their rel­ev­ance in the cur­rent devel­op­ment of sports facil­it­ies.

Link to the inter­view can be found here.

113_ESB-Interview zu Sportarchitektur und Nachhaltigkeit_ENG