02. May 2016

PRO­PRO­JEKT at the Dom­Römer con­struc­tion site

End of April the PRO­PRO­JEKT staff was able to get an own impres­sion of the ongo­ing con­struc­tion of the Dom­Römer area. Pro­ject man­ager Marion Span­ier-Hessen­bruch lead the team through the con­struc­tion site and high­lighted the spe­cial struc­tural, design and con­struc­tion fea­tures of the 15 recon­struc­tions on site.

Espe­cially the dif­fer­ent con­struc­tion tech­niques and the very high focus on details of the partly gothic, partly roman or renais­sance-influ­enced build­ings were very impress­ive. Besides the typ­ical con­struc­tion mater­i­als like steel and con­crete, more rare mater­i­als like sand­stone, cen­tury-old wooden beams and clay tiles were used.

The area is planned to be fin­ished and opened in 2018. PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the Dom­Römer GmbH with the mar­ket­ing and sale of the indi­vidual units, as well as with the pro­ject lead in the fields of plan­ning and con­struc­tion.

To the pro­ject

Fur­ther inform­a­tion about the rebuild­ing of Frank­furt's old centre­please

PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle
PROPROJEKT auf der DomRömer-Baustelle