01. January 2022

Neil Armstrong

Dear busi­ness part­ners and friends,

for the upcom­ing year we have taken many small steps to tackle big chal­lenges. On the one hand we are full of excite­ment for the upcom­ing cooper­a­tion with you, on the other hand we want to con­sciously assume our social and eco­lo­gical respons­ib­il­ity for future gen­er­a­tions in 2022 and have star­ted to optim­ise our office pro­cesses in the spirit of cli­mate-friendly and sus­tain­able changes.

We cor­di­ally invite you to join us and follow in the foot­steps of great role models to improve our eco­lo­gical foot­print in small steps.

We are con­vinced that we can make big leaps act­ively and with a high degree of per­sonal respons­ib­il­ity and wish you a happy, pros­per­ous and sus­tain­able New Year 2022.


Eco­lo­gical travel

We like to move both ourselves and our pro­jects for­ward! In doing so, we care­fully bal­ance the effi­ciency and emis­sion in our means of trans­port.

It is import­ant for us to pro­mote indi­vidual and local mobil­ity through our job bike offer and the change towards elec­tric vehicles.

When trav­el­ing within Ger­many, we gen­er­ally avoid short-haul flights and con­sist­ently take the train to con­trib­ute to improv­ing our eco­lo­gical foot­print.

For unavoid­able air travel in our inter­na­tional pro­jects, we offset the CO2 emis­sions that arise, and sup­port cli­mate pro­tec­tion pro­jects and the expan­sion of renew­able energy sources, thereby moving step by step towards a decar­bon­ised eco­nomy.

Save resources

In order that the world doesn't stay the way it is but rather becomes greener, we use green elec­tri­city for our offices. This way, we reduce the emis­sions needed for oper­at­ing our IT infra­struc­ture, our office light­ing, our devices in the kit­chenettes and our elec­tric vehicles by more than 90% com­pared to con­ven­tional elec­tri­city.

One simple step towards a more eco­lo­gical foot­print!

Sus­tain­able sourcing

We totally agree with Greta and help to improve our eco­lo­gical foot­print step by step. For example, we pur­chase organ­ic­ally sourced fair-trade coffee, and our tea kit­chens provide a vegan altern­at­ive to normal milk. Our fruit bas­kets in the office are cli­mate-neut­ral and con­tain apples from regional cul­tiv­a­tion and cer­ti­fied bana­nas from sus­tain­able and eco­lo­gical pro­duc­tion.

To improve animal wel­fare and reduce CO2, we look for veget­arian and vegan altern­at­ives at our com­pany parties. Small and easy steps to make a pos­it­ive dif­fer­ence, right?

Engage socially

The founder of our part­ner com­pany AS+P Albert Speer + Part­ner is of course right and we are happy to follow in his foot­steps.

As an import­ant step towards more sus­tain­ab­il­ity at PRO­PRO­JEKT, we reg­u­larly sup­port selec­ted social ini­ti­at­ives. Last year, for example, together with AS+P, we volun­teered to advise and sup­port Help for Chil­dren with Cancer in Frank­furt with a struc­tural ana­lysis and real estate eco­nomic valu­ation of their prop­er­ties.

In 2022 we will volun­teer at the 3rd Spe­cial Olympics State Games in Hesse and make an active con­tri­bu­tion to inclu­sion in sport.

Save energy

What the famous German sports reporter shouted on the radio in the 1954 FIFA World Cup Final in Bern applies (after work) to

  • our mon­it­ors – OFF!
  • our com­puters – OFF!
  • our heat­ing – OFF!
  • our light­ing – OFF!
  • and of course, our coffee machine – OFF!

These small steps are a nat­ural con­tri­bu­tion to save energy while main­tain­ing the effi­ciency of our work pro­cesses – and to help Ger­many take a world-class leap towards meet­ing the 2030 cli­mate tar­gets.