21. February 2020

Heap of Earth makes Room for Con­struc­tion Logist­ics Center

The Frank­furt Air­port is grow­ing and with it the require­ment for areas for con­struc­tion site facil­it­ies for the pro­jects on site. The con­struc­tion logist­ics center „Gleis­dreieck” is one of three sep­ar­ate areas cre­ated for con­struc­tion pro­jects in the spa­tially cramped north­ern area of the air­port. At the center of the area, which will be used by sev­eral pro­jects in the future, is a massive heap of earth. Prior to its removal the pile has to be examined for ord­nance before the con­struc­tion logist­ics center, having been planned by FRA­PORT AG and PRO­PRO­JEKT, can be con­struc­ted and used in the summer.

To the pro­ject

FRAPORT Baulogistikzentrum_02