18. February 2020

Spe­cial again – PRO­PRO­JEKT to sup­port the Spe­cial Olympics World Games until 2023

The Spe­cial Olympics World Summer Games will take place in Berlin in 2023. On Janu­ary 30, 2020 the organ­ising com­mit­tee and the inter­na­tional Spe­cial Olympics fed­er­a­tion signed the Games Agree­ment for the largest inclus­ive sports event in the world at the German Pres­id­ent’s res­id­ency. PRO­PRO­JEKT has accom­pan­ied Spe­cial Olympics Ger­many and the Berlin Senate from the begin­ning of the bid­ding pro­cess on and will now also sup­port the organ­ising com­mit­tee.

To the pro­ject

Programm- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement SOWG Berlin 2023_03
© SOD/Ilias Despotopoulos

Sign­ing of the con­tract: Sven Albrecht (SOD), Wiebke Balcke und Stefan Klos (PRO­PRO­JEKT), Carsten Kranz (SOD)