28. January 2022

Growth and per­son­nel changes at PRO­PRO­JEKT

Organic growth and long-term per­son­nel devel­op­ment have always been part of our cor­por­ate cul­ture. In this regard, we have expan­ded our team in recent months with Ant­o­nia Fiedler, Maxi Miel­carek, Martin Olszowy and Marc Per­kins. We are look­ing for­ward to new impulses and ideas for our key areas of com­pet­ence pro­ject man­age­ment and sports man­age­ment. Immanuel Geis, who has been a member of the man­age­ment board since 2019 and is respons­ible for the divi­sions pro­cure­ment man­age­ment and the plan­ning of sports build­ings, was also appoin­ted author­ized sig­nat­ory on Janu­ary 1, 2022.

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091_Dear future I'm ready