27. April 2022

Spe­cial Olympics State Games in Hesse

The Spe­cial Olympics State Games will take place in Darm­stadt from the 17th to 19th of May 2022. For three days, around 440 ath­letes with mental and mul­tiple dis­ab­il­it­ies from all over Hesse will com­pete in 11 dis­cip­lines in the Bür­ger­park Nord. The open­ing cere­mony begins on the 17th of May at 12:00 in the Ath­let­ics Sta­dium in the Bür­ger­park Nord in Darm­stadt. Among others, Hesse's sports min­is­ter Peter Beuth and Darm­stadt's sports depart­ment head Bar­bara Akdeniz are expec­ted to attend the event. The com­pet­i­tions then start at 14 o’c­lock.

Spe­cial Olympics is the world's largest sports move­ment for people with intel­lec­tual and mul­tiple dis­ab­il­it­ies and is rep­res­en­ted by almost five mil­lion ath­letes in 177 coun­tries. PRO­PRO­JEKT has been accom­pa­ny­ing and sup­port­ing the German national umbrella organ­isa­tion Spe­cial Olympics Ger­many and the Berlin Senate for sev­eral years in the plan­ning and pre­par­a­tion of the Spe­cial Olympics World Games, which will take place in Berlin in 2023 for the first time in Ger­many.

097_Special Olympics Hessen
© Sascha Klahn