16. November 2020

Digital Con­fer­ence "New Leipzig Charter"

For a long time, the 14th Fed­eral Con­gress of National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy was held in Leipzig in Decem­ber and vari­ous options were sought to bring the diversity of the Fed­eral Con­gress into an excit­ing, inspir­ing, and stim­u­lat­ing digital pro­gram. Such a format would have required the pres­ence of the numer­ous speak­ers on site even with digital par­ti­cip­a­tion. Due to the Covid-19 pan­demic and the drastic­ally increas­ing number of detec­ted cases, the decision was there­fore made to cancel the 14th Fed­eral Con­gress of National Urban Devel­op­ment Policy planned for 2 and 3 Decem­ber 2020.

As an altern­at­ive, this year a one-day digital con­fer­ence will be presen­ted live from the con­gress hall at Leipzig Zoo. The con­fer­ence will take place on 2 Decem­ber 2020. As part of the con­fer­ence, the con­sequences of the pan­demic for cities and muni­cip­al­it­ies will be addressed and the “New Leipzig Charter” will be dis­cussed.

To the pro­ject

To the pro­gram and the option to register online www.nsp-kon­gress.de

Fur­ther inform­a­tion www.nationale-stadtentwicklung­spolitik.de

Digitale Fachkonferenz