26. February 2016

BMUB Con­fer­ence on March 17th, 2016

"Immig­ra­tion and integ­rat­ing urban soci­ety - What hap­pens after primary accom­mod­a­tion?"

March, 17 th 2016 - Kron­prin­zen­pal­ais Berlin

The cur­rent wave of immig­ra­tion is a huge chal­lenge for German cities, but in many places it also shows which force the urban com­munity can unfold for a wel­com­ing cul­ture. Until now, the hand­ling of primary accom­mod­a­tion for refugees and asylum seekers is in the center of atten­tion. But polit­ics and admin­is­tra­tion already have to deal with the long-term issues of per­man­ent living and the integ­ra­tion of people with a res­id­ence permit in the cities and com­munit­ies.
With the con­fer­ence on "Immig­ra­tion and integ­rat­ing urban soci­ety - What hap­pens after accom­mod­a­tion?" the Fed­eral Min­istry for the Envir­on­ment, Nature Con­ser­va­tion, Build­ing and Nuc­lear Safety wants to provide a plat­form for the short-term dis­cus­sion of issues of integ­ra­tion as a future task of integ­rated urban devel­op­ment policy and innov­at­ive hous­ing cre­ation and to fur­ther enable the exchange between com­munit­ies, coun­tries and fed­eral policies, the local asso­ci­ations and renowned experts. The con­fer­ence takes place on March 17th, 2016 at Kron­prin­zen­pal­ais in Berlin.

Link to the pro­gram (German only)

To the pro­ject
