
Knowledge, experience,
and innovation.

PRO­PRO­JEKT Planungs­man­age­ment & Pro­jekt­ber­a­tung GmbH is an owner-man­aged, fully inde­pend­ent pro­ject man­age­ment con­sultancy.

We focus on how best to foster syn­er­gies between archi­tec­ture and urban plan­ning as well as sports and polit­ics. We offer proven expert­ise and pro­act­ive sup­port. We provide strong early-phase stra­tegic advice. And we thrive on pro­jects that are any­thing but plain vanilla.


Impressionen_Phillip & Sarah
© Angelika Stehle

We make
com­plex­ity easy.

We have extensive experience with conceptualising, preparing, managing and realising complex-to-highly-complex projects.

Our core com­pet­en­cies include, in par­tic­u­lar, ini­ti­at­ing feas­ib­il­ity stud­ies, focused demand assess­ments and prof­it­ab­il­ity ana­lyses, in-depth advice on com­plic­ated pro­cure­ment pro­ced­ures, solu­tion-ori­ented client rep­res­ent­a­tion, and over­arch­ing pro­ject man­age­ment. And last but by no means least, the stra­tegic design and sup­port of major sport events.

Project Go

We are convinced that successful projects always benefit from a conscious concept phase in which project goals are defined, risks minimised and robust strategic decisions taken. We see ourselves as a proactive thinktank and as your critical sounding-board in the early days of a project. The aim: To enable you to take an informed decision – on a, technically and economically optimal project.

  • Strategy consulting, market and location analyses
  • Feasibility studies, requirements management, and concept development
  • Profitability analysis, investment and operator models
  • Award management for the planning and construction work
  • Strategic and planning advice as well as coordination of application processes for major sport events

Project Realisation

Our role in the realisation of buildings, urban developments, major sport events is to act as the driver and proactive element right from the start. For a sustainable and successful project implementation, we as project managers are used to handling the coordination and integration of all specialist disciplines including the communications and participation processes, and to bring it all together.

  • Project management for the construction and real estate industry
  • Multi-project management
  • Program and sustainability management for major sports events
  • Organisation and implementation of events
  • Stakeholder management and PR outreach

We don't like off-the-peg tasks and we don't simply pull concepts out of a top drawer. We enjoy proactively giving our partners tailor-made and individual advice, time and time again — simply 'PRO' project.

Stefan Klos — Managing Partner
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© Angelika Stehle

We have many years
of exper­i­ence.

Our successful history gives us assurance and energy to go new and innovative ways.

PRO­­PRO­JEKT Planung­s­­man­age­­ment & Pro­jek­t­ber­­a­­tung GmbH was foun­­ded in 1996 with the aim of offer­­ing stra­­tegic advice in the early phases of com­plex pro­jects.


  • Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Klos (66%)
  • AS+P Albert Speer + Part­ner GmbH  (34%)


  • Stefan Klos, Man­aging Part­ner, Dipl.-Ing. 
  • Immanuel Geis, Author­ised sig­nat­ory, Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.
  • Wiebke Balcke, Author­ised sig­nat­ory, MBA Sport Man­age­ment M.A. Inter­na­tional Rela­tions 
  • Elina Keim, Member of the man­age­ment board, M.Eng. Archi­tect, Cer­ti­fied PM Asso­ci­ate

PRO­PRO­JEKT now has over 25 employ­ees at three loc­a­tions in Ger­many and Switzer­land. Des­pite the grow­ing size of the com­pany and the sheer vari­ety and mul­tidiscip­lin­ary nature of our pro­jects, we have an effi­cient cor­por­ate struc­ture with refresh­ingly little bur­eau­cracy.

  • 1996 / Company founded by Hanskarl Protzmann and AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH.

  • 1999 / First project at Frankfurt Airport. Laying the foundations for acquiring expertise in both project management and in structuring and running public procurement processes in the subsequent two decades.

  • 2003 / Created the concept for Leipzig's bid for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Laying the groundwork for our national and international reputation in designing and realising major sporting events.
  • 2005 / Stefan Klos becomes managing partner.

  • 2009 / Establishment of the PROPROJEKT branch in Berlin as a result of our involvement in the national urban development policy of the German Federal, state and local governments.

  • 2019 / With the well-deserved retirement of Hanskarl Protzmann, the corporate structure is reorganised and management expanded with Immanuel Geis coming on board as authorised signatory.

  • 2022 / Foundation of the PROPROJEKT branch in Lausanne to expand our network with regard to strategic consulting for international major sport events.

  • 2024 / Wiebke Balcke (authorised signatory) & Elina Keim become member of the management board.

We have an excel­lent net­work.

We value reliable and long-term partnerships.

We work for a renowned public and private cli­en­tele both nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally. We do not see ourselves as an external con­sult­ing com­pany for a lim­ited pro­ject dur­a­tion. Instead, we aspire to be a stra­tegic long-term part­ner. We believe mutual trust is the key here and feel it truly enhances our daily pro­ject work.

AS+P – Albert Speer und Partner GmbH

To expand our competencies in planning and construction projects, we work closely and in partnership with the famed international planning office AS + P - Albert Speer + Partner GmbH. In recent years, AS+P and PROPROJEKT have jointly advised and supported various institutions and municipalities in initiating, planning, awarding, and realising strategically relevant projects. Due to the economic link[JG1]  and the immediate spatial proximity of both companies, we leverage all synergies between architecture, urban and open space planning, project management and real estate economics as well as land use and traffic planning – to offer our clients optimal interdisciplinary services.

Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund e.V.

We strongly feel sports is one of the greatest common denominators in society today and are aware of its positive economic effects for Germany. As the official partner of "Team D", PROPROJEKT takes on strategic tasks in the areas of architecture and project management for the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). Thanks to our international project work at major sporting events, we also have a wide and renowned network and are closely familiar with the (structural) technical requirements for sports facilities and the objectives going forward of sports-related institutions and associations when it comes to devising their development strategies.