Project Management
"Assisted Living - An den Drei Hohen"

The public found­a­tion 'Ver­sor­gung­shaus und Wiesen­hüt­ten­stift' is going to build a res­id­en­tial com­plex for senior cit­izens in the new devel­op­ment area “Frank­furter Bogen” in Frank­furt-Pre­un­gesheim. The plan­ning com­prises 38 age-appro­pri­ate apart­ments with 2 to 4 rooms, a large common area for activ­it­ies and fest­iv­it­ies, the admin­is­tra­tion of the found­a­tion, a rooftop sauna with a great view to the Feld­berg at a total gross area of approx­im­ately 6.250 sqm. The newly-planned out­door facil­it­ies will com­bine the new res­id­en­tial build­ing with the exist­ing admin­is­tra­tion and create a large green park-like patio for the whole com­plex. The first res­id­ents will move in in the summer of 2018.

The ten­der­ing pro­cess for gen­eral plan­ning ser­vices for the pro­ject “Neubau Betreutes Wohnen – An den Drei Hohen in Frank­furt am Main” was announced through­out Europe accord­ing to offi­cial spe­cific­a­tions of the VOF. The con­sor­tium Pöt­ting – Rudolf GbR, Berlin, was awar­ded the con­tract. The real­isa­tion of the con­struc­tion work will be car­ried out by dif­fer­ent con­tract­ors.

Skizze Innenhof
© ARGE Pötting-Rudolph GbR

PRO­PRO­JEKT is com­mis­sioned with the pro­ject man­age­ment in all plan­ning and real­isa­tion phases in accord­ance to the AHO spe­cific­a­tion to sup­port the Ver­sor­gung­shaus and Wiesen­hüt­ten­stift in Frank­furt. Addi­tion­ally, PRO­PRO­JEKT is man­aging the com­pre­hens­ive European ten­der­ing pro­cess for gen­eral plan­ning ser­vices.

  • Organ­isa­tion, imple­ment­a­tion and assess­ment of an european tender pro­cess for object and tech­nical plan­ning ser­vices
  • Pro­ject man­age­ment in all plan­ning and real­isa­tion phases

ARGE Pöt­ting-Rudolph GbR