Building / Planning

Pro­ject ini­ti­ation „New Town Center“ Eppstein-Vock­en­hausen

Neue Ortsmitte Eppstein 01
Building, Planning
Stadt Eppstein

The city of Eppstein is char­ac­ter­ised by a sig­ni­fic­ant spe­cial dis­sec­tion caused by the incor­por­a­tion of four formerly inde­pend­ent muni­cip­al­it­ies and cur­rently has four admin­is­trat­ive loc­a­tions. The town hall is cur­rently divided into two loc­a­tions (town hall I and town hall II), which are to be merged in the future. As part of a feas­ib­il­ity study, loc­a­tions for a new town hall and vari­ants for the design of a new town centre in Vock­en­hausen have already been examined.

Neue Ortsmitte Eppstein 02
© Stadt Eppstein

In a first step ("pro­ject ini­ti­ation"), PRO­PRO­JEKT is cur­rently cla­ri­fy­ing the require­ments and needs of the city of Eppstein and its cit­izens to be addressed by the pro­ject as part of a pro­ject devel­op­ment study. In addi­tion, the struc­ture of the pro­ject, con­sid­er­ing the frame­work con­di­tions includ­ing the avail­able space, is being determ­ined.

The aim is the estab­lish­ment of a pro­ject frame­work that has been checked and coordin­ated with regard to all urban plan­ning, eco­nomic, legal (public law, build­ing law, con­tract law, pro­cure­ment law) and other pro­ject-related issues with a clear and bind­ing struc­ture and pro­cess organ­isa­tion, which can be sub­mit­ted to the decision-makers of the city of Eppstein as a basis for decision-making about the imple­ment­a­tion of the pro­ject.


  • Pro­ject Ini­ti­ation
  • Require­ment ana­lysis and man­age­ment
  • Coordin­a­tion and bring­ing about of decisions

Credits / Cover

City of Eppstein