
Gay Games Bid —
Frank­furt 2030

0451_03_GayGames 2030 Frankfurt Bid
Frankfurt am Main
Sports Office Frankfurt

The Gay Games, as one of the largest mass sports events in the world with a com­pre­hens­ive cul­tural pro­gramme, sig­ni­fic­antly pro­mote equal­ity, diversity and inclu­sion. Around 12,000 par­ti­cipants come together for a week to com­pete against each other in over 30 dif­fer­ent sports or to be part of impress­ive cul­tural events in the fields of song, dance or art. The basic prin­ciples of this major event are: Par­ti­cip­a­tion, inclu­sion and per­sonal best. 

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The City of Frank­furt am Main is pur­su­ing the goal of becom­ing the host city for the Gay Games. This vision is sup­por­ted by a decision of the city coun­cil in favour of a bid. Ini­tially, the aim was to bid for the 13th edi­tion in 2030; in the mean­time, the focus is on organ­ising the Euro­Games. PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­por­ted the Frank­furt Sports Office in the pre­par­a­tion of the Primary Bid Book for the Gay Games 2030, which was sub­mit­ted to the Fed­er­a­tion of Gay Games (FGG) on 1 August 2024. 

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The motto of the bid is ‘Sport, Demo­cracy and Free­dom - united in the heart of Europe’. The tar­geted involve­ment of a large number of city stake­hold­ers was cru­cial for the pre­par­a­tion of the bid con­tent. PRO­PRO­JEKT coordin­ated this pro­cess in order to sub­sequently har­mon­ise the reques­ted con­tent and com­pile it into a 100-page bid book.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion can be found here.


  • Strategic and technical advice throughout the bidding process
  • Analysing the FGG requirements and all associated documents
  • Organisation of workshops with the stakeholders involved
  • Overall coordination and compilation of the bid content
  • Writing the English bid book texts and layout of the overall document

Credits / Cover

Patrik Meyer