11. Oktober 2021

The Olympic Idea — More Than Medals and Records

Accord­ing to the motto “The Olympic Idea - More Than Medals and Records”, the German Olympic Academy (DOA) has pub­lished an antho­logy on the edu­ca­tional poten­tial, the his­tory as well as cur­rent issues and devel­op­ments of the Olympic idea.

With the art­icle “Fail­ure as an Oppor­tun­ity”, PRO­PRO­JEKT invest­ig­ated the ques­tion of the pos­it­ive effects on infra­struc­ture, aware­ness, net­works and sports devel­op­ment of the applic­a­tions for the Olympic and Para­lympic Games from Berlin 2000 to Ham­burg 2024.

The DOA's antho­logy can be down­loaded here as an open access ver­sion (PDF file, 17 MB, German only).

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