18. May 2018

The new his­toric centre of Frank­furt opens its doors

After approx. 6 years of con­struc­tion, the Dom­Römer GmbH removed the con­struc­tion fences of the new his­toric center of Frank­furt on May 9, 2018 as part of a fest­ive cere­mony. The area is now access­ible to every­one and invites the cit­izens of Frank­furt and vis­it­ors to an explor­a­tion tour. The apart­ments on the upper floors of the 35 houses will be occu­pied imme­di­ately. Par­al­lel to this, the interior con­struc­tion of the retail areas on the ground floors begins and should be com­pleted by the grand open­ing cere­mony in Septem­ber 2018.

Dom Römer 01
Dom Römer 02