17. July 2018

Stefan Klos inter­viewed by Wirtschaftsin­i­ti­at­ive Frank­furtRhein­Main

"Sports is not just some border tile of living together in a com­munity, it is the grout!"

PRO­PRO­JEKT CEO Stefan Klos was inter­viewed by the Wirtschaftsin­i­ti­at­ive (Eco­nomic Ini­ti­at­ive) Frank­furtRhein­Main and reflects on sport as an eco­nomic and loc­a­tion factor, the oppor­tun­it­ies for Frank­furtRhein­Main, the les­sons learned in inter­na­tional mega events and a suc­cess­ful relay baton han­dover.

To the inter­view (German lan­guage only)

Interview_Wirtschaftsinitiative FrankfurtRheinMain