23. July 2018

Spe­cial Olympics Deutsch­land sub­mits bid for the 2023 World Summer Games

Sport­metro­pole Berlin and Spe­cial Olympics Deutsch­land (SOD) are bid­ding to host the Spe­cial Olympics World Games 2023, the largest inclus­ive sports event in the world.

On July 15, 2018, Spe­cial Olympics Deutsch­land sub­mit­ted the Bid Book that was com­piled by PRO­PRO­JEKT to Spe­cial Olympics Inter­na­tional (SOI). In Septem­ber 2018, an eval­u­ation com­mis­sion of the inter­na­tional asso­ci­ation will come to Berlin for a four-day site visit. The decision as to who will host the Spe­cial Olympics World Summer Games 2023 will be made by the SOI board on 12/13. Novem­ber 2018 in Wash­ing­ton D.C.


To the pro­ject

To the SOD homepage (German lan­guage only)

Bid Book Übergabe Special Olympics
© Nikki Villanueva