26. June 2024

PROPROJEKT supports realisation competition for the 
recon­struc­tion of Friedrich-Fröbel-School

PRO­­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­­sioned by the Office for Con­­­struc­­tion and Real Estate of the City of Frank­­furt to organ­ise and con­­­duct a restric­ted design com­­pet­i­­tion in accord­ance with the guidelines for plan­n­ing com­­pet­i­­tions (RPW 2013) with a sub­­sequent nego­ti­ated pro­ced­ure in accord­ance with the Ordin­ance on the Award of Public Con­­tracts (VgV). The sub­ject of this com­pet­i­tion is the design of a new build­ing for the Friedrich-Fröbel-Schule in Nieder­rad.

0424_01_Realisierungswettbewerb FFS

Under the chair­­man­­ship of archi­tect Jórunn Rag­n­arsdót­tir, the jury met from 05 to 06 June 2024 in the gym of the Friedrich-Fröbel-School in Frank­­furt am Main and unan­im­ously awar­ded three prize win­n­ers and three com­­mend­a­­tions.

To the pro­ject